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徐波 主任醫師

科室: 乳腺腫瘤中心



1.1998/10-2002/08 美國 St Jude 兒童研究醫院 博士后

2.1995/09–1998/05 協(xié)和醫科大學(xué) 博士

3.1992/09–1995/07 天津醫科大學(xué) 碩士

4.1985/09–1990/07 白求恩醫科大學(xué) 學(xué)士


1.2020/04-至今 重慶大學(xué)附屬腫瘤醫院 院長(cháng);重慶大學(xué)弘深杰出教授

2.2016/11-2020/04 天津醫科大學(xué)腫瘤醫院 副院長(cháng)

3.2012/08-2016/11 美國南方研究院/阿拉巴馬大學(xué)醫學(xué)院 系主任/杰出研究員/教授

4.2009/08-2012/08 美國康奈爾大學(xué)醫學(xué)院附屬衛理教會(huì )醫院 資深研究員/教授/主任

5.2006/06-2009/08 美國南方研究院/阿拉巴馬大學(xué)醫學(xué)院 高級研究員/副教授

6.2002/08-2006/05 美國路易斯安娜州立大學(xué) 助理教授(tenure track)

7.1990/07-1995/08 天津醫科大學(xué)總醫院 醫師/總住院醫師


中國抗癌協(xié)會(huì )腫瘤人工智能專(zhuān)業(yè)委員會(huì )主任委員

中國抗癌協(xié)會(huì )第八屆理事會(huì )理事


Radiotherapy and Oncology 編委

Biomedical Journal 編委


1. Lim DS, Kim ST, Xu B, Maser RS, Lin J, Petrini JH, Kastan MB. Atm phosphorylates p95/nbs1 in an S-phase checkpoint pathway. Nature 404: 613-617; 2000. Faculty of 1000 Prime recommended

2. Xu B, Kim ST and Kastan MB. Involvement of Brca1 in S-phase and G2-phase checkpoint after ionizing irradiation Molecular and Cellular Biology 21:3445-3450; 2001. Faculty of 1000 Prime recommended

3. Kim ST, Xu B (co-first author) and Kastan MB. Involvement of the Cohesin Protein, Smc1, in ATM–Dependent and–Independent Responses to DNA Damage. Genes & Development 16: 560-570, 2002. Faculty of 1000 Prime recommended

4. Xu B, Kim St, Lim DS, Kastan MB. Two Molecularly Distinct G2/M checkpoints Are Induced by Ionizing Irradiation Molecular and Cellular Biology 22 (4): 1049-1059; 2002.

5. Taniguchi T, Garcia-Higuera I, Xu B, Anderson P, Gregory R, Lane W, Kim S, Kastan MB, D’Andrea A. Convergence of the Fanconi Anemia and Ataxia Telangiectasia Signaling Pathways. Cell 109: 459-472, 2002. Faculty of 1000 Prime recommended

6. Xu B, O’Donnell AH, Kim ST, Kastan MB. Phosphorylation of Serine 1387 in Brca1 is specifically required for the Atm-Mediated S-phase Checkpoint after Ionizing Irradiation. Cancer Research. Aug 15; 62(16):4588-91, 2002.

7. Garg, R., Geng, C.-D., Miller, J. L., Callens, S., Tang, X., Appel, B., Xu, B.* Molecular Cloning and Characterization of the Catalytic Domain of Zebrafish Homologue of the Ataxia-Telangiectasia Mutated Gene. Molecular Cancer Research 2: 348-353, 2004. Also featured the cover page of the issue.

8. Garg, R., Callens, S., Lim, D.-S., Canman, C. E., Kastan, M. B., Xu, B*. Chromatin Association of Rad17 Is Required for an Ataxia Telangiectasia and Rad-Related Kinase-Mediated S-Phase Checkpoint in Response to Low-Dose Ultraviolet Radiation. Molecular Cancer Research 2: 362-369, 2004.

9. Xu B*, Kastan MB. Analyzing cell cycle checkpoints after ionizing radiation. Methods Mol Biol.; 281: 283-92, 2004

10. Arlt, M. F., Xu, B., Durkin, S. G., Casper, A. M., Kastan, M. B., Glover, T. W.BRCA1 Is Required for Common-Fragile-Site Stability via Its G2/M Checkpoint Function. Molecular and Cellular Biology 24: 6701-6709, 2004.

11. Wakeman TP, Kim WJ, Callens S, Chiu A, Brown KD, Xu B*. The ATM-SMC1 Pathway is Essential for Activation of the Chromium [VI]-induced S-Phase Checkpoint. Mutation Research, 554(1-2):241-51, 2004.

12. Timothy Wakeman, Dorota Wyczechowska, and Bo Xu*. Involvement of the p38 MAP kinase in chromium-induced growth arrest and apoptosis. Mol Cell Biochem. 2005 Nov; 279(1-2):69-73

13. Timothy Wakeman, Renu Garg, and Bo Xu*, ATR regulates Cr-induced S-phase checkpoint through dissociation from Rad17. Mutation Research 2006 Nov 7; 610(1-2):14-20.

14. Mickael Cariveau, Jessie Tang, Xiaoli Cui, and Bo Xu*. Conserved NBS1 C-terminal small peptides can inhibit the ATM-mediated DNA damage response and enhance radiation sensitivity. Molecular Pharmacology, AUG 2007, 72(2): 320-326.

15. Mickael J. Cariveau, Murray Stackhouse, Xiao-li Cui, Kamal Tiwari, William Waud, John A. Secrist III, Bo Xu*. Clofarabine acts synergistically with ionizing radiation in vitro and in vivo by interfering with the DNA damage response, International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 2008, 70: 213-220

16. Xi Tang, Zhou-guang Hui, Xiao-li Cui, Renu Garg, Michael B. Kastan, and Bo Xu*. A novel ATM-dependent pathway regulates Protein Phosphatase 1 and histone H3 phosphorylation in response to DNA damage. Molecular Cellular Biology April 4, 2008, 2559-2566, Faculty of 1000 Prime recommended

17. Zhang C, Kang C, Wang P, Cao Y, Lv Z, Yu S, Wang G, Zhang A, Jia Z, Han L, Yang C, Ishiyama H, Teh BS, Xu B*, Pu P. (co-corresponding authors). MicroRNA-221/-222 regulate radiation sensitivity by targeting the PTEN pathway, International Journal Of Radiation Oncology, Biology and Physics, 2011 May 1;80(1):240-8.

18. Chunying Yang, ,Xi Tang, Xiaojing Guo, Yohei Niikura, Katsumi Kitagawa,Kemi Cui, Stephen T.C. Wong, Li Fu, and Bo Xu*. Aurora-B Mediated ATM Serine 1403 Phosphorylation Is Required For Mitotic ATM Activation and theSpindle Checkpoint. Molecular Cell. 44, 597-608 November 18, 2011. (appeared as issue highlights, article previewed, top-read, and Faculty of 1000 Prime recommended)

19. Chunying Yang, Haibo Wang, Yiran Xu, Kathryn Brinkman, Stephen Wong and Bo Xu*. The kinetochore protein Bub1 is required for DNA damage responses. DNA Repair 2012 Feb 1; 11(2):185-91. Epub 2011 Nov 9.

20. Mianen Sun, Xiaojing Guo, Chunying Yang, Kathryn Brinkman, David Engler, Binhua Zhou, Li Fu, Bo Xu*. Activation of the ATM-Snail pathway promotes breast cancer metastasis, Journal Of Molecular Cell Biology, 2012 Oct;4(5):304-15

21. Xiaonan Sun, Chunying Yang, Hai Liu, Wang Qi, Shi-Xiu Wu, Xia Li, Tian Xie, Kathryn, L. Brinkman, Bin S. Teh, E. Brain Butler, Bo Xu* and Shu Zheng*. Identification and Characterization of a Small Inhibitory Peptide that can Target DNA-PKcs Autophosphorylation and Increase Tumor Radiosensitivity. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology and Physics. 2012 May 15, 84 (5), 1212-1219

22. Chun-ying Yang , Mike Lee, Jessie Tang, Xiaoli Cui, Paula Allen, Fran?oise Bontemps, William B. Parker, and Bo Xu*. Deoxycytidine kinase regulates the G2M checkpoint through interaction with Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 1 in response to DNA damage. Nucleic Acids Research, 2012 July 31. 40 (19), 9621-9632

23. Boohaker, R.; Cui, X.; Stackhouse, M.; Xu, B. ATM-mediated Snail Serine 100 Phosphorylation Regulates Cellular Radiosensitivity. Radiotherapy and Oncology. 7-25-2013.

24. Xiaojing Guo , Chunying Yang , Xiaolong Qian , Ting Lei , Yaqing Li , Haifa Shen , Li Fu and Bo Xu*. Estrogen Receptor Alpha regulates ATM expression through miRNAs in breast cancer, Clinical Cancer Research, Published Online First July 15, 2013; doi:10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-12-3700

25. Boohaker, R.; Xu B*. The Versatile functions of the ATM Kinase. Biomedical Journal 2014 Jan-Feb;37(1):3-9.

26. Zhang, D.; Wang, H.; Sun, M.; Yang, J.; Zhang, W.; Han, S.; Xu, B*. Speckle-type POZ protein, SPOP, is involved in the DNA damage response. Carcinogenesis. 2014 Aug;35(8):1691-7

27. Chunying Yang, Xiaojing Guo, Haibo Wang, David Engler, Wei Zhang, and Bo Xu*. Mad1 Serine 214 phosphorylation is critical for its role in mitotic spindle checkpoint activation. Carcinogenesis. 2014, Sep; 35(9):2007-13.

28. 54.Rebecca J Boohaker, Bo Xu, The Role of MicroRNAs in Modulating Tissue Response to Radiation, in Strategies to Enhance the Therapeutic Ratio of Radiation as a Cancer Treatment, Springer Nature press 2016

29. Nathaniel H. Boyd, M.S.1*, Kiera Walker, M.A.1*, Joshua Fried, B.S.2, James R. Hackney, M.D.3, Paul C. McDonald, Ph.D.4, Gloria A. Benavides, Ph.D.5, Raffaella Spina, Ph.D.6, Alessandra Audia, Ph.D.7, Sarah E. Scott1, Catherine J. Libby, B.S.1, Anh Nhat Tran, B.S.1, Mark O. Bevensee, Ph.D.1, Corinne Griguer, Ph.D.8, Susan Nozell, Ph.D.9, G. Yancey Gillespie, Ph.D.8, Burt Nabors, M.D.10, Krishna P. Bhat, Ph.D.7, Eli E. Bar, Ph.D.6, Victor Darley-Usmar, Ph.D.5, Bo Xu, M.D., Ph.D.2, Emily Gordon, Ph.D. 11, Sara J. Cooper,Ph.D.11, Shoukat Dedhar, Ph.D.4, Anita B. Hjelmeland, Ph.D.1 Addition of Carbonic Anhydrase 9 Inhibitor SLC-0111 to Temozolomide Treatment Delays Glioblastoma Growth in Vivo, Journal of Clinical Investigation (JCI) Insights, 2017;2(24):e92928. https://doi.org/10.1172/jci.insight.92928.

30. Wei X, Fried J, Li Y, Hu L, Gao M, Zhang S, Xu B. Functional roles of Speckle-Type Poz (SPOP) Protein in Genomic stability. J Cancer. 2018 Sep 7;9(18):3257-3262. doi: 10.7150/jca.25930.

31. Boohaker RJ, Sambandam V, Segura I, Miller J, Suto M, Xu B. Rational design and development of a peptide inhibitor for the PD-1/PD-L1 interaction. Cancer Lett. 2018 Oct 10;434:11-21. doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2018.04.031. Epub 2018 Jun 18.

32. Wei X, Cai S, Boohaker RJ, Fried J, Li Y, Hu L, Pan Y, Cheng R, Zhang S, Tian Y, Gao M, Xu B.,KAT5 promotes invasion and metastasis through C-MYC stabilization in ATC. Endocrine Related Cancer. 2019 Jan 1;26(1):141-151. doi: 10.1530/ERC-18-0193.

33. Ying Y, Wang Y, Huang X, Sun Y, Zhang J, Li M, Zeng J, Wang M, Xiao W, Zhong L, Xu B, Li L, Tao Q, Wang X, Shu XS Oncogenic HOXB8 is driven by MYC-regulated super enhancer and potentiates colorectal cancer invasiveness via BACH1.Oncogene. 2019 Oct 7. doi: 10.1038/s41388-019-1013-1

34. Zhao Z, Li L, Du P, Ma L, Zhang W, Zheng L, Lan B, Zhang B, Ma F, Xu B, Zhan Q, Song Y. Transcriptional Downregulation of miR-4306 serves as a New Therapeutic Target for Triple Negative Breast Cancer. Theranostics. 2019 Feb 20;9(5):1401-1416. doi: 10.7150/thno.30701.


徐波教授全職回國前長(cháng)期任美國南方研究院腫瘤學(xué)杰出研究員、系主任(Distinguished Fellow and Chairman)以及美國阿拉巴馬大學(xué)伯明翰分校病理系教授。擔任國家自然科學(xué)基金重點(diǎn)項目及面上項目課題評審委員,國家教育部長(cháng)江學(xué)者評審委員,美國國立衛生研究院科研基金評審委員,美國國防部乳腺癌研究項目課題評審委員,意大利衛生部科研課題評審專(zhuān)家組成員等。在美期間任美國國立癌癥研究所 (NCI)化學(xué)生物學(xué)中心 (CBC)執行委員會(huì )委員,南方研究院CBC中心共同主任,美國放射學(xué)院放射腫瘤學(xué)住院醫師執業(yè)醫師考核委員。作為課題負責人共獲得美國聯(lián)邦課題資助8項,研究經(jīng)費超過(guò)八百萬(wàn)美元,包括兩項R01,一項P20,一項R21,以及多項其它NIH及DoD課題。2016年8月以后以課題負責人獲科技部重大專(zhuān)項精準醫療專(zhuān)項(2016YFC0904601)支持及兩項國家自然科學(xué)基金(面上項目81672743 and 81974464)支持,2018年起以方向負責人承擔國家“雙一流”學(xué)科建設項目“乳腺癌的基礎與臨床研究”。2000年來(lái)在國際權威學(xué)術(shù)雜志 (包括《Nature》、《 Cell》、《 Molecular Cell》、《 Genes and Development》,《Nucleic Acids Research》, 《Clinical Cancer Research》等發(fā)表論文70余篇,其中關(guān)于DNA損傷后細胞周期監測點(diǎn)信號傳導通路系列文章至今已被引用7500余次并得到國際同行的一致認可,共有6篇被 Faculty 1000推薦。

一直從事腫瘤學(xué)基礎及轉化醫學(xué)方面的前沿研究,研究范圍涵蓋DNA損傷修復機制、基因組學(xué)、分子靶向抗腫瘤藥物研發(fā)以及腫瘤人工智能的應用。在基礎研究方面,他帶領(lǐng)的團隊建立了一系列方法去研究DNA損傷后蛋白之間的相互作用及信號傳導通路,在同行中得到廣泛應用。在轉化醫學(xué)研究方面,他在國際上提出采用融合多肽靶向DNA損傷修復信號傳導通路的策略以探索新型抗腫瘤藥物及放化療增敏藥物,獲國際專(zhuān)利2項。他提出的高通量法篩選小分子化合物抑制蛋白與蛋白之間的功能鏈接得到美國國立衛生研究院路線(xiàn)圖項目(Roadmap Initiatives)的資助。2017年推出國際首例多肽型PDL1免疫檢測點(diǎn)抑制劑。徐波教授重視醫工交叉學(xué)科對腫瘤學(xué)的重要推動(dòng)作用,提出智能腫瘤學(xué)的概念,2019年當選為中國抗癌協(xié)會(huì )腫瘤人工智能專(zhuān)業(yè)委員會(huì )首任主任委員。2019年牽頭召開(kāi)了首屆智能腫瘤學(xué)全國論壇。團隊在乳腺癌人工智能技術(shù)的應用研究在中央電視臺《經(jīng)濟半小時(shí)》、《光明日報》及《科技日報》進(jìn)行了專(zhuān)題報道。在鼻咽癌遠地轉移預后判斷的AI判斷系統已申請相關(guān)專(zhuān)利2項。申請人在新冠肺炎疫情期間與國家超級計算天津中心天河計算機平臺合作在國際上首先建立人工智能結合CT影像輔助診斷新冠肺炎系統并取得了良好的預測效果。

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